

Safekeep and record your memories for your family & friends

Legacy is a digital repository of people's cherished thoughts, emotions, and reflections. With the Legacy feature, Journey users can share their life stories, experiences, and memories in their own words with the people they love even after they do not have the capacity to.

To use Legacy, users would first need to set up a Journey Cloud Sync drive. After doing so, they can activate Legacy in the “Settings” of their Journey Cloud Sync drive. Journey will send out a confirmation for the user to verify this. Users can then choose either a 6-month or 12-month wait-out period for their account and they can add up to 5 "trustees". Journey will send out 3 emails to the owner to verify if they are still actively using their Journey account over time. If they're found to be not active, Journey will proceed to archive their journal entries and give permission to the trustees to download it.